EZINES (Medical and Health)

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An online nutrition and fitness magazine written by credentialed health professionals focusing on topics related to lifestyle, ethics, policy, research, and consumer goods.

The ProGroup
Health and Money Matters Bulletin that brings you the results of the latest medical research dealing with prevention of women's, men's and children's diseases

BellaOnline Gynecology Site
Gynecology at BellaOnline seeks to educate and enlighten women about female reproductive health. No subject is off-limits and articles range from general to extremely sensitive topics. There is also a forum for expressing questions and concerns about all things gyno and members give and get terrific feedback from fellow members.

Headache Advisor
Monthly updates on new treatments in migraine, how to manage headaches and examples of how you can change your headache profile for the better.

Go Healthy Now Newsletter
Go Healthy Now Newsletter is about healthy living. Some of the topics include children's health, diet/nutrition, fitness/exercise, healthy recipes, men's health, natural and organic living, supplement information, weight loss, and women's health. It is free to join

Secrets of Healthy Eating
Health Secrets is a free monthly newsletter providing latest news and discoveries in the world of health, weight loss tips, and notification of updates to the Secrets of Healthy Eating website

WebMD Newsletters
Over 40 newsletter topics from Web MD.


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