Sample of the "Reading The EKG" Video

Flash Video Sample of "Reading the EKG" DVD




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DVD Instructional video with detailed information and sample EKGs.

This DVD instructional video was produced by physicians at The Incredible Medical School. Great for adults wanting to learn the basics of the EKG. Children interested in the medical field will find this information fun and educational. Home schools, private schools, and special magnet schools will find this dvd especially useful. YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO READ AN EKG!


The EKG DVD Video explains and demonstrates:
    Electrical System of the Heart.
    Normal EKG.
    P Wave, QRS Complex, Q Wave, ST Segment, T Wave.
    Heart Attack Pattern.
    Atrial and Ventricular Fibrillation.
    Left and Right Bundle Branch Block.
    First, Second, and Complete Heart Block.
    Heart Rhythms.
    Heart Axis.
    EKG Leads.


IMPORTANT NOTICE:  This educational video from The Incredible Medical School provides teachings and instructions by physicians for information only.  This information is not intended to be used in deciding any medical care. The instructions, teachings, demonstrations, and completion of any medical information or skills on this video does not grant, authorize, license, encourage, or imply that anyone can perform, or should attempt to perform any diagnoses, procedures, or treatments on any person.  Federal and State laws, involving the practice of medicine, prohibit the use of the medical information and skills taught on this video by any unlicensed person to give medical advice or suggestions to anyone, or used in the treatment of anyone.

Although this DVD is not directed at nurses, medical students, and physicians, they may find this video useful.  However, this video is not intended to teach medical professionals because their use or performance of this type of information and skills has to come from a certified and/or accredited person, company or institution.



Don't try to learn the EKG by looking at pictures in a book.  Get actual video instructions.

Anyone can learn to Understand the EKG (ElectroCardioGram; ECG; EKG)!  Learn how to analyze and interpret the EKG. This DVD will teach you to understand EKGs. It provides the basic instructions on interpreting the EKG. Approximately 2 hours in length. It covers the electrical system of the heart and how it is recorded with an EKG machine. You will learn what the lines on an ekg tells you about the heart. Learn how to recognize a heart attack, irregular rhythm, too fast or too slow rhythm, lethal rhythms such as ventricular fibrillation, blocks of the heart nerve system known as bundle branch blocks, first degree heart blocks, second degree heart blocks, third degree heart blocks, heart enlargement, the axis of the heart, p waves, qrs complex, st segment, t wave, and other information concerning the EKG. Finally, The Incredible Medical School makes this information available for the general public! Great for teens and Adults.